The administration of Municipality of Malko Tarnovo is divided in general, specialized and municipal activities. The general administration provides administrative services and local authorities activities. The specialized administration supports the local authority bodies. The municipal activities include municipal enterprises that are responsible for construction works and household community services. The administration of Municipality of Malko Tarnovo is led by the principles of being responsible towards the local population and their needs, to follow the law, to manage effective projects and activities, to have transparent management and effective administrative services.
The municipality aims to raise the quality of administrative and information services to citizens and businesses to achieve integration, efficiency, honesty and increased revenues. Administrative services provided to the public include:
-> Services of Civil Registration and act certification;
-> Administrative and technical services: Municipal property and Spatial Planning;
-> Administrative Services - cadastre;
-> Legal and administrative and technical services;
-> Administrative services activities of agriculture and ecology;
-> Administrative services - trade, tourism, transport;
-> Administrative services - local taxes and fees;
-> General Services Administration: Issuing of certificates in relation to the Code of Social Security; Ordinance on pensions and retirement; Administration Act; Law on Access to Public Information.
-> Internal administrative services - interdepartmental official issurance of a certificate. The efforts of Municipality of Malko Tarnovo are proven by its rich experience of successful implementation of projects, including investments and soft measures. Geographical characteristics and spatial development of the urban structure in Malko Turnovo municipality located in Strandja Mountain and the valleys of the rivers Veleka and Rezovska and their tributaries are a prerequisite for settlement of various civilizations on its territory since ancient times. The cultural heritage in the region is the result of layering of past civilizations and eras that have specific memory and identity in place. The municipality of Malko Tarnovo falls entirely within the Nature park "Strandzha" and many protected areas under NATURA 2000.
/last update: 03.10.2019/
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